Wreaths Across America Day December - Remember, Honor &
Every day, in cemeteries all across America,
another Veteran is laid to rest. Taps is played and rifle volleys
are fired. A flag is gently folded and presented to a grieving
family member in recognition and thanks for that Veteran's service.
We want to honor not only those Veterans, but also Remember the
sacrifice and service of those who no longer have family members who
visit their grave sites to remember them and thank them for their
2012, Word Dial Numbers (formerly 800WordDial Marketing) made a firm committment to the local community and the Sarasota
Military Academy to help promote the nationwide Wreaths
Across America cause. Our help included the
donation of the vanity number 1-866-WREATHS and a
community website.
Gulfcoast Florida Community volunteers reached their goal for the 4th year in a row by raising over $150,000 to place over 9,000 memorial wreaths at the graves of veterans at the Sarasota National Cemetary on 12/12/15.
The owner of Word Dial Numbers help promote the cause by turning his car into a marketing parade float and joins the Sarasota Military Academy cadets in the Sarasota Memorial Day and Veterans Day parade every year.
We hope that you will join with us to Remember, and thereby Honor our veterans. For only $15, you can honor one of those Veterans.
CLICK HERE to sponsor a Wreath today
What's easier for donors, volunteers and veterans to remember? A number like 866-WREATHS or 866-973-2847