About Word Dial Numbers

Ron Selby

In  2001, Ron Selby began a career in the FloridaMortgage and Investment Industry.  After some success he acquired the toll free Word Dial Vanity Number 1-866-HOMELOAN that propelled his business.  After using the number for his own business he realized a good thing was going to waste since he could only service clients in his own state and local area --- the value of others using such a great number that spells HOMELOAN.  In 2004, he started his Word Dial business under the name Homeloan Marketing, Inc. marketing the shared use of only one powerful number.Since 2004 blue Medallion

Today operating as Word Dial Numbers, LLC we have a passion of helping businesses of all sizes enhance their marketing potential with providing access to thousands of numbers you dial with easy to remember words.  Word Dial Numbers has become a significant partner in helping businesses and individuals benefit from marketing their services through memorable vanity numbers.

What's easier for customer's to remember?   A number like 800-WORD-DIAL or 800-967-3342